As the premiere statewide political action committee solely for the California Community Colleges faculty, the FACCC PAC is uniquely positioned to help elect candidates for legislative office who support FACCC’s agenda. In this era of political term limits, FACCC cannot wait until legislators take the oath of office; we, the faculty, must educate the candidates on community college issues and secure their commitment and support for our agenda. It is then our job to actively engage in their campaigns, helping elect the best people from all ends of the political spectrum.

FACCC PAC attempts to speak with all viable candidates for legislative office. We do not send out questionnaires; rather, we engage candidates in a fundamental dialogue on our issues. The results of the interviews are reviewed by faculty leaders who evaluate the candidates based upon our endorsement criteria.

We want you to become politically active and volunteer in the political campaigns that make a difference to our profession and future.

The FACCC PAC meets the second Thursday of each month at 5pm.

Please contact us to volunteer.

Support the FACCC PAC

Your donation empowers us to have direct conversations with viable candidates and evaluate their support for our mission. Help us shape the future of community colleges by donating to FACCC PAC today. 

Information for Candidates

FACCC PAC interviews all viable candidates for the Assembly and Senate, excluding incumbents seeking reelection to their existing office.

Endorsements are based on the Candidate Endorsement Criteria; campaign contributions are considered for endorsed candidates only.

Contact us at [email protected] to schedule an interview.